9th International Research School &
3rd CERM-ESA Conference
25 September – 6 October 2023
Location: CERM-ESA Auditorium, Moi University, Eldoret
Symposium on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Partnership
Nelson Mandela University <-> University of Oldenburg (hybrid)

Five universities from Germany and Africa are helping to shape the African excellence centre CERM-ESA. Together, they are generating impetus for a future-oriented educational culture and are learning from one another in the process.
Read more at https://www.daad.de/en/the-daad/what-we-do/sustainability/people/cerm-esa/

In-Country/In-Region Scholarship
Programme Kenya
Call for Scholarship Applications 2022
at the East & South African-German Centre of
Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies
and Management (CERM-ESA)
[Master programme in Education and PhD
programme in Sociology of Education]
General Application Procedure for CERM-ESA in-country/in-region
DAAD scholarships